Fun Things To DoTravel

8 Home Remedies For Spring Allergy Relief

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By Bonnie

trees-blooming-in-spring-tennessee.jpg Spring has sprung in Brentwood and allergy season is upon us.

As much as I love springtime, with all of the beautiful green grass and budding flowers, I have terrible allergies that start with the palms of my hands itching even before any of the normal signs of spring can be seen.

A friend once told me that I was to allergy season what the groundhog is to spring. Funny, but pretty true.

I’m not a doctor, so take this list with a grain of salt, but I thought I’d pass along some of the home remedies that seem to help me in the peak of allergy season.

But first, this sign was spotted right here in Middle Tennessee. And it speaks the truth: ‘It doesn’t snow in the South… it pollens.’


#1 – Use saline nasal spray religiously.

I use it morning and night, and sometimes in between. It seems to flush away whatever I’ve breathed in during the day. And it has stopped my monthly sinus infections in their tracks.


#2 – Use a Neti Pot when the saline spray isn’t quite cutting it.

They are a little strange getting used to, but they really work wonders to flush away the allergens that have been taken in.




#3 – Use eye drops, as needed.

I use rewetting eye drops for the same reason as the nasal spray — the drops flush the bad things out of my eyes. It really helps with my itchy eyes.


#4 – Eat local honey – the closer to home it’s made, the better.

I alternate between clover honey and wildflower honey to build up my resistance to both.

One is primarily for spring allergies and the other for fall, but I use them both all year just to cover the bases.

I found some at the Global Market, next door to the Adventure Science Center, and I hear the Franklin Farmer’s Market carries it but I haven’t been able to confirm that.


#5 – Drink apple cider vinegar… and a little honey.

Apple cider vinegar is one of those cure-all home remedies that’s been around forever and is praised for helping with all sorts of things from sinus infections and weight loss, to gout and hot flashes.

I was very hesitant to start this one, but my sinus infections were so frequent that I had to do something. It sounded plain gross to me, but it really isn’t bad. And this is coming from someone who cannot even stand the smell of vinegar.

I mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (the kind that is not filtered and has the mother of vinegar in it) with 1 heaping teaspoon of local honey and 8 oz of hot water. You can add more honey to taste. Drink it twice a day.

pink-blooms-in-brentwood-tn.jpg #6 – Do 
lymphatic drainage massage.

I get a massage at Massage Envy each month. As a part of my massage, she does a lymphatic drainage treatment around my neck.

It isn’t the most relaxing part because it really gets “stuff” moving in my head and I usually start coughing or sneezing in the middle of it. But it does seem to work.


#7 – Drink plenty of water and lots of it.

I once read that water is one of the best expectorants. It helps to thin mucus and naturally get rid of it.

You should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

And last but not least…


#8 – Get plenty of rest, take a multivitamin and extra vitamin C.

We should do these 3 things every day, but it is especially important when allergies are running us down.
