I just found the most amazing website: ZIPskinny.com.
It gives you “the skinny” on each zip code in the United States.
I typed in 37027 and had so much fun looking at the detailed demographic information for Brentwood, TN.
Here’s what I found about our neighbors in Brentwood…
General Info About Brentwood, TN
Househunters will love ZIPskinny‘s easy-to-read statistical information.
I wish I had been able to compare demographics when we were looking for a Brentwood home last year!
- Latitude: 36.007373
- Longitude: -86.791217
- Population: 35747
- Housing Units: 13371
- Land Area: 54.08 sq. mi.
Can you believe I didn’t even know how many people live in my community?
A population of 35,747 makes Brentwood the size of the small town where I grew up.
And you know what? Sometimes Brentwood still feels like a small town, albeit one with a lot more houses in 54 square miles.
Social Indicators
- Never married: 19.4%
- Separated: 0.8%
- Married: 70.2%
- Widowed: 3.7%
- Divorced: 5.9%
- Same home 5+ years: 51.5%
Over 70% of Brentwood residents are married?
That confirms my suspicion: Brentwood is a great, family friendly community!
Education Level
- 9th-12th grade (nongrad): 2%
- High school graduate: 10.2%
- Less than 9th grade: 1.2%
- Some college: 19.3%
- Associate degree: 4.8%
- Bachelors degree: 38.7%
- Graduate/Professional: 23.9%
- High school or higher: 96.9%
- Bachelors or higher: 62.6%
Brentwood residents have a high level of education.
In the Nashville area, I would guess that only Green Hills/Vanderbilt area has more educated residents.
Economic Indicators / Household Income
- <$10,000 1.5% (among employed persons over 16)
- $10,000-$14,999 2%
- $15,000-$24,999 2.6%
- $25,000-$34,999 6.2%
- $35,000-$49,999 10.7%
- $50,000-$74,999 14.8%
- $75,000-$99,999 15.2%
- $100,000-$149,999 21.8%
- $150,000-$199,999 10.8%
- $200,000+ 14.5%
- Below Poverty Line 2.1%
- Median Household Income: $94,590
- Median Household Income: $94,590
Wow – even though I knew Brentwood is an affluent suburb, I didn’t realize that its median income was so high.
Only 2.1% of Brentwood residents live below the poverty line.
That makes sense to me, as Brentwood proper has no HUD housing complexes or low-income neighborhoods. (You’ll find those just over the Davidson County line in south Nashville.)
ZIPskinny lets you compare data from up to 20 zip codes. At the bottom of the 37027 page, you can access zip code demographics for surrounding areas like Franklin, South Nashville, Antioch and Spring Hill.
It’s fascinating!
More Brentwood Basics
- Here’s an article about Brentwood’s zip code and how to find the Brentwood post office.
- Just finding your way around Brentwood? Here’s important information about Brentwood maps, including the Brentwood city limits.