Brentwood BasicsTravel

My home has been invaded by tiny black ants! They're everywhere in the kitchen! Here's the best solution I found for getting rid of house ants without poisoning my kids or pets in the process. It's called Terro liquid ant bait. The active ingredient is Borax -- which is a natural way to get rid of ants.

When you're driving around the Brentwood TN area -- or if you're looking for a place to live in Brentwood -- it can get confusing as to what is actually in Brentwood and what is not. The boundaries are somewhat unclear, so it's easy to refer to something being in Brentwood when it's really not. Here are the Brentwood TN city limits.

Brentwood, TN has great access to hospitals -- Vanderbilt, Baptist, Centennial and St. Thomas are within a 20 minute drive. But we chose Williamson County's own hospital, Williamson County Medical Center in Franklin, for our daughter's outpatient surgery. Here's what our patient experience at Williamson Co. Medical Center was like.