Shopping & BusinessTravel

Trimming Bradford Pear Trees Part 2…They Were Right!

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By Abby

Before the start of this summer, I posted my concerns after our Bradford Pear trees were “trimmed”.

Now that the summer is just about over, I have to admit I was way wrong.

This was the best thing we’ve done with the yard so far!…

Not only are the Bradford Pear trees already full of new growth, but more importantly, I’m not worrying every time a storm goes through the area.

I know these trees are not going to fall on our cars, or on our neighbor’s house. In the past, I wasn’t so sure.


So, the moral of this story is: Don’t Panic.

I guess these tree-trimming guys know what they’re doing!


  • 50-great-trees-for-tennessee-by-judy-lowe.jpg

    We finally have it!  Here’s the contact information for the Brentwood tree trimming service which did such a lovely job on these Bradford Pear trees.

  • Fed up with Bradford Pear tree problems? Consider replacing them with native Tennessee trees like Redbuds or Dogwoods. Here’s more information about finding and buying native plants in Tennessee.