Spruce Inspired Living Store In Brentwood, TN

by Bonnie

gifts, home decor

I checked out the new Spruce Inspired Living store this week.

It is a very attractive store with so many unique items to offer:

  • spruce-baby-room.jpghome decor
  • gift items
  • baby furniture
  • handbags
  • jewelry
  • knick-knacks

You name it, they just might have it!

Spruce opened in November 2008 where the Animal Care Center of Brentwood used to be.

They’ve done a fantastic job of turning what’s left of the exam rooms and offices into very cute showrooms.



One room is set up with baby items, one with gift items, etc. And it is jam-packed with so many really interesting things. It took me about an hour just to browse all there was to offer.

” title=”Fun shirts, jewelry, and bags available at the Spruce store in Brentwood, TN. photo by Bonnie at TheFunTimesGuide”>shirts-jewelry-bags-at-spruce-store.jpg ” title=”Custom photo frames available at Spruce Inspired Living store in Brentwood, TN. photo by Bonnie at TheFunTimesGuide”>custom-picture-frames-at-spruce-store.jpg


” title=”Cute cubbies and knick-knacks at Spruce Inspired Living store in Brentwood, Tennessee. photo by Bonnie at TheFunTimesGuide”>cute-cubbies-at-spruce-store.jpg ” title=”Fun words and symbols available at Spruce Inspired Living in Brentwood, TN. photo by Bonnie at TheFunTimesGuide”>words-symbols-spruce-store.jpg


A group of local women went in together to open this unique boutique. One of the women is a graphic artist who designs the stationary they offer. They also have a baby specialist, a home decor specialist … you get the idea. It is a neat idea and they’ve pulled it off really well.

I picked up some information on their First Annual Mommy Marketplace that will be held on March 5th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  They will have a specialist on hand to help with the organization problems that come with having children, as well as to answer any questions about their baby products and gear. They will also have food, drinks, and “free things for everyone”.

Spruce Inspired Living is located at 7028 Church Street East in Brentwood. Be sure to get on their mailing list so you will know about all of their events throughout the year.