April Consulo is our Realtor for life!
Moving to Brentwood, TN was one of the best decisions we ever made.
And our Realtor, April Consulo, is one of the main reasons we ended up right where we wanted to be.
If you’re considering a move to Brentwood, or anywhere else in the Nashville area, use April as your agent and you won’t be sorry.
My Experience With April Consulo
My husband brought home one of April’s business cards one day as he knew her from his work.
We had just called another (to remain nameless) Realtor and decided to meet with her first. After showing us 3 homes, she made it difficult for me to reach her so we officially decided to move on and call April.
Even though all home selling/buying experiences have “issues”, I have to think we really had more than our fair share of problems. Both with the sale of our old home and the contract that we put on the new home. April pulled us through it all with a fantastic attitude.
We had a full-price offer on our old house within 10 days, and the whole thing went quicker than I thought it would. We got what we wanted for the old house and paid what we wanted to pay on the new house. I don’t think that as a buyer/seller you can ask for more than that.
Visit April’s website to find out more about her. She has more certifications and education than I have time to list here, and it shows in her work. You’ll also be able to review some client comments whose feelings echo mine.
Finding Homes For Sale In Middle Tennessee
If you’re considering a new home, you can start your search from the comfort of your own home.
Most people don’t have time to spend days and days only to find out that the homes you’re looking at aren’t quite right for you. You can put your Realtor to work and let them find potential homes for you based on a ‘wish list’ that you put together, but I prefer to have more control over my destiny (and my weekends).
Do your research before you leave the house and eliminate homes that aren’t for you. For example, our last home was covered in wallpaper and it took years to get every room peeled and painted. This may not seem like a big deal to most, but for us it was something we wanted to avoid. I also had an issue with our old driveway, because there was a substantial slope down to the street and I really didn’t care for that at all. I wanted to be able to install a basketball goal, so I was really looking for a level lot to play on. Again, not a big issue for most people — but big for us.
These days, there are tons of websites that allow you a look into what’s for sale, but the one I got the most use out of was RealTracs. If the seller’s Realtor puts enough pictures up along with the listing, you can eliminate what you’re NOT looking for without spending the time to see it yourself. RealTracs contains listings in Middle Tennessee, and of course you can search for homes that meet your specific needs.