She’s been labeled as “one to watch.”
I couldn’t agree more.

I’m not an American Idol junkie, but I caught part of last night’s show — which featured the Memphis auditions.
The American Idol contestant who captured the attention of all three judges, and stood out from all the rest: Melinda Doolittle, a background vocalist from Brentwood Tennessee!
According to Reality TV Magazine, Melinda sings background vocals for different artists’ session work here in Nashville and also travels with them.
It’s said that she often sings with Mandisa (a contestant from American Idol Season 5) as well.
Straight From The Judges’ Mouths
Two quotes I jotted down real quick as the judges were complimenting Melinda after her performance:
#1 from Simon Cowell: “You are in the top 2% of good singers this year.”
#2 from Randy Jackson: “Yours was one of the best auditions… ever… vocally.”
Here’s the quote from Simon Cowell, in its entirety:
We have a lot of people who come in here with a lot of attitude, a lot of confidence and they’re not very good. You walk in with no confidence, no attitude, and yet you are a brilliant singer, a brilliant singer, seriously… You are what it’s all about, a great voice. I’m concerned about your lack confidence, the fact that you’ve been in the background, but let me tell you, you are in the top 2% of good singers this year.
[Source: American Idol Notes]
Want more of Mandisa’s American Idol background?
See our latest articles on Brentwood’s Melinda Doolittle.
I can’t wait to see how Melinda Doolittle does as an American Idol contestant week after week!