American Idol’s Melinda Doolittle belted out “I’m A Woman” on the Top 8 Girls show tonight.
Once again, the judges had nothing but compliments.
Her hometown of Brentwood says: Melinda, You’re OUR woman!
The contrast couldn’t have been greater. Melinda’s interview clip showed a soft-spoken girl giggling about her OCD tendencies, what she jokingly calls “equal opportunity.”
If she touches something cold with one hand, she likes to touch something cold with the other hand. If she steps on a crack with one foot, then she does the same with the other foot. “We’re all in this together, right?”
Then the live cameras showed a confident Melinda dancing out to center stage. If her song choice, “I’m A Woman,” didn’t clue you in, her form-fitting black and white dress left no doubt. Melinda Doolittle is American Idol’s woman to watch.
The judges agreed. Here are a few of their comments, from my notes:
Randy Jackson: “The hottest one of the night”
“A consummate pro”
“You’re ready to go into the studio”
Paula Abdul: “You are so phenomenal, likeable, you’re loveable!”
“I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
Simon Cowell: “You little tiger! I thought we had a pussycat! I love that!”
“You are loving it, and so you should.”
What else can we say? Melinda Doolittle is clearly the judges’ pick for the next American Idol. Let’s hope the rest of America agrees. The results of tonight’s live voting will determine the American Idol Top Twelve Contestants.
—>Check here for all our up-to-date coverage on Brentwood’s Melinda Doolittle.