This week, I took the kids on our annual Easter pilgrimage to Phillips Toy Mart. Not to study the Erector sets or Breyer horses, though…
We visit the cutest display of live Easter bunnies in the Nashville area!
Phillips Toy Mart is an old-fashioned shop just west of Brentwood, in Belle Meade. It’s chock full of high quality playthings: Brio, Playmobil, Schleich, and professional grade model kits.
On any given day, kids can play with a working model railroad, a Thomas the Train table, and a cool Rokenbok building display.
But it’s spring—and at Phillips Toy Mart, bunnies mean business. You won’t find an ordinary cage full of rabbits there. No, each year Phillips hires a designer to create a themed bunny display area, with props, backdrops, and witty signs.

This years’ concept is Hillbilly Bunnies. Have a peek at the funny little shack, complete with rusted jalopy and a miniature still. Look closely, and you’ll even spot a tiny outhouse in the background!
A small wire fence surrounds the scene. Children are invited to pet, but not pick up, any of the friendly rabbits. And they are friendly! Though most of them slept on the porch in true hillbilly fashion, a few frisky rabbits zipped right past my kids.
Seeing the bunnies is free, but I dare you to leave Phillips Toy Mart without buying at least one tiny toy! Luckily for the real Easter bunny, Phillips assembles what they call an "Easter basket buffet" of seasonal trinkets and toys from which to choose.
How to find the Easter bunnies:
From Brentwood, take Old Hickory Blvd. West through the Warner Park area. Turning right at Hwy. 100 will take you straight into Belle Meade. Phillips Toy Mart is located on the right, just past the intersection of Harding Place. It’s open Monday through Saturday, 9:30 to 5:00.
—>Here’s The Fun Times Guide to Brentwood’s best Easter information, gathered on one handy page with tips from Easter brunch restaurants to egg hunts.