Is is me, or are there alot of hotels in Brentwood?
For such a small town – there sure are plenty of places to stay.
Ok, so I understand that I-65 runs right through town.
I also realize that the Maryland Farms area provides for many business travelers to visit us here, but it still seems like we have a disproportionate number of hotels compared to the size of Brentwood.
For example, TripAdvisor shows 19 hotels in Brentwood and 20 hotels in Franklin. Only thing is that the estimated population for Brentwood is just over 30 thousand people, compared to the estimated population of just over 52 thousand people in Franklin!
Maybe we’re spoiled here. After all, we’ll never run out of places for our friends and family to stay while they’re in town visiting. The town I grew up in didn’t have any hotels within 10 miles (that’s probably changed by now) and here in Brentwood they’re everywhere.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a good thing. I just think it’s strange.