I wanted to take the kids out to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
After a few unsettling meals, we’ve permanently crossed the Nipper’s Corner takeout Chinese off our list. But I soon discovered that there aren’t many Chinese restaurants in Brentwood itself.
Can you help me? Is there a good Chinese restaurant near Brentwood?
P.F. Chang’s in Cool Springs is too fancy for us, at least with small kids in tow.
The Chinese restaurant across the street–Ming’s Chinese Buffet on Mallory Lane–used to be pretty good. Our last trip was disappointing, though, and we wondered if it had switched owners.
China Hut near Brentwood’s Town Center Way closed, but I hear there’s a popular takeout restaurant near HoneyBaked Ham and Wild Iris instead.
And what about Pei Wei next to Publix off Old Hickory Blvd?
Looks like I need to do some serious eating to investigate. All for research, of course!
In the meantime, if you have suggestions for good Chinese restaurants near Brentwood, Tennessee, please leave me a comment below! Thanks!