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When you're driving around the Brentwood TN area -- or if you're looking for a place to live in Brentwood -- it can get confusing as to what is actually in Brentwood and what is not. The boundaries are somewhat unclear, so it's easy to refer to something being in Brentwood when it's really not. Here are the Brentwood TN city limits.
King and Associates quoted me a rate from 2 different companies and both of them beat my existing auto premiums by $500 a year! Needless to say, I've changed my insurance carrier and have been quite pleased with King & Associates. They made it so easy to cancel my old policies and switch to them. I just signed some paperwork, and they faxed it everywhere it needed to go.
Need to replace or renew your Tennessee drivers license? When my driver's license was stolen, I went to the Express DMV station in downtown Nashville. With average wait times of only 15 minutes, this must be the quickest DMV in Tennessee! Here are directions, plus tips for what to do when you get there.
I've ridden my bike through Percy Warner Park a few times, but mostly I just enjoy riding through the park in my car. One thing's for sure... I've been through this park dozens of times, and there hasn't been a time yet when I didn't spot at least one deer! Here's a virtual auto tour through Percy Warner Park in Nashville, TN...